What is hair filler

Full, healthy hair on the head is considered a sign of youth, vitality and attractiveness. Hair loss in women and men often has a major impact on self-esteem and self-confidence. Although hair loss is more common in men than women, more than 70% of men and 40% of women experience thinning hair, alopecia, or baldness. With age, hair begins to lose its thickness and strength.

What is hair filler?

Hair filler treatment is an injection procedure to strengthen hair. It was created exclusively for the treatment of hair diseases such as hair loss. This is a special formula containing several active substances that are introduced into the scalp, penetrate into the hair roots, enhance hair growth and maintain the activity of hair follicles.

Hair filler contains a complex of biomimetic peptides and hyaluronic acid as active substances that promote blood circulation in the scalp and rejuvenate hair follicles. In addition, the drug contains enzymes, growth factors, minerals and vitamins. Their combined action leads to increased hair growth and, of course, stops hair loss.

In particular, hyaluronic acid moisturizes hair follicles and stimulates fibroblasts. Biomimetic peptides stimulate the production of new collagen, protect hair cells from external factors that cause apoptosis of hair follicle cells, such as stress, solar radiation, etc. All of the above substances stop hair loss and prolong the anagen phase of hair.

How hair filler works

Hair filler treatment ensures a gradual release of active substances at the hair root. Thanks to the introduction of a complex of 7 long-acting peptides into the scalp, where the hair follicles are located, all the necessary active substances enter directly into the problem area, affecting the causes of hair loss in men and women.

Results of treatment with hair fillers

Filler treatment against hair loss has many benefits, including cosmetic and therapeutic effects with long-term effects. In particular:

  • Increases hair thickness and volume and treats thinning.
  • Increases thickness, improves and strengthens hair against pollution, dust and abuse.
  • Promotes the proliferation of scalp stem cells.
  • This is a 100% safe remedy against hair loss. It has no side effects or complications and does not harm the scalp.
  • The effect lasts for a relatively long time. Treatment usually requires three sessions every 15 days.
  • Accelerates hair growth.

What to expect after using hair filler?

The first session of hair filler treatment immediately stops the process of hair loss. Subsequent sessions stimulate blood circulation and significantly revitalize hair follicles, accelerating hair growth. Laboratory studies have shown that the peptide therapy used in the hair filler procedure revitalizes hair cells and hair follicles, and stimulates blood circulation and hydration in the scalp. In clinical studies of the effectiveness of hair filler, there was an average increase in hair density of 22% and an average increase in hair thickness of 26% in patients who received 1 treatment every 2 weeks for 8 weeks (4 treatments).

Your hair and scalp will be analyzed to develop an appropriate treatment plan to achieve your desired results. Clinical studies show that hair filler treatment produces visible improvements after 4 treatments, given 2 weeks apart.

During the procedure, several injections are made into the scalp using a very thin needle. After the procedure, you need to take care of the condition of your hair and scalp.

If you are looking for a solution to smooth your hair and add fullness and shine, hair fillers may be the way to go.