How to lose weight without harm to your health

Many people who want to lose weight are always looking for methods that can show quick results. So they go on extreme diets, exercise too much, or use weight-loss drugs that are not approved by their doctor. Because of this, so-called quick weight loss methods seriously affect their health.

For a healthy lifestyle, it is very important to stay in shape and not exceed the recommended weight (according to age and height). If you are obese, it is better to lose weight, but not at the expense of your health. Thus, it is necessary to follow the right set of tips that can lead to natural weight loss without compromising your health.

8 Best Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Follow the tips below to lose excess weight and fat safely.

Eat healthy

When you change your eating habits to maintain weight loss, you need to reduce your total calorie intake. Eating plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains is one way to reduce your calorie intake.

To achieve your weight loss goals while maintaining taste and nutrients, eat a variety of foods. Follow these tips to start losing weight:

  • Eat three servings of fruits and four servings of vegetables per day
  • Eat whole grains instead of processed grains
  • Consume moderate amounts of healthy fats and oils such as avocados, nuts, nut butters, olive oil and vegetable oils
  • Reduce your sugar intake as much as possible, with the exception of natural sugar in fruits
  • Eat low-fat dairy products and limit your consumption of poultry and lean meats.

Keep it in moderation

You shouldn’t get hung up on counting calories and take revenge on yourself by completely giving up sweets and fatty foods. It is better to eat them less often and in moderation. If you want to lose weight naturally, never restrict your diet or skip certain meals. Eat your favorite foods in limited quantities from time to time.

You can do this several times a month or once or twice a week. If you eat a high-fat or high-sugar meal, compensate by eating low-sugar and low-fat foods in the following days or by exercising more vigorously.

Do intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a well-known and effective eating pattern that involves alternating periods of fasting and eating. The 5:2 diet, the 16:8 routine, and the eat-stop-eat strategy are some approaches to intermittent fasting.

These methods tend to cause you to consume fewer calories overall. Plus, you won’t have to intentionally restrict calories when you eat. This will lead to weight loss and also provide several health benefits.

Be active and exercise regularly

Although you can lose weight without exercise, combining calorie restriction with exercise can give you an advantage. The extra calories that you were unable to lose from food can be burned through exercise.

Exercise has many health benefits, such as strengthening your cardiovascular system, improving your mood, and lowering your blood pressure. Regular exercise promotes weight loss. Research shows that those who successfully maintain their weight over time engage in regular physical activity.

Walking, running, jogging, swimming, yoga, cycling and strength training help in weight loss. Strength training such as push-ups, kettlebell lifting, pull-ups, lunges, deadlifts and others will help reduce body weight.

Avoid sweet liquids and drink green tea

Drinks such as sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks and chocolate milk contain liquid calories. These drinks are unhealthy and increase the risk of obesity. According to one study, drinking one glass of a sugar-sweetened beverage daily significantly increases the risk of obesity by 60%.

Green tea, which is a natural drink, contains a large amount of antioxidants. The numerous benefits of drinking green tea include weight loss and fat burning. Green tea can speed up fat loss by up to 17%, especially unhealthy belly fat.

Avoid too much stress

Hormonal balance can also be disrupted due to increased stress. Glucocorticoids are hormones that are produced by the body when a person experiences extreme stress. Overproduction of glucocorticoids can increase hunger and lead to weight gain. Emotional consumption can also be caused by stress. Emotional eating means that a person eats unhealthy foods to cope with and improve a bad mood.

Don’t Follow Fad Diets

There are many diets and weight loss plans on the market today that promise quick weight loss. They can be risky, harmful, and difficult to maintain weight loss over time. Natural weight loss is better for your overall health and is more likely to lead to long-term weight loss maintenance.

Remember that there is no specific diet that can burn all excess fat and weight. Real and healthy weight loss requires lifestyle changes and constant motivation. This doesn’t mean that weight loss regimens can’t provide certain benefits. However, some of these programs tend to have negative health effects.

Get enough sleep every day

Your physical and mental health will decline if you don’t get enough sleep, which can also make it difficult to lose weight. In addition, people who suffer from lack of sleep produce more ghrelin. This hormone causes you to feel hungry the next day.

If you are an adult, it is best to sleep about eight hours a night. At least 30 minutes before going to bed, turn off all electronics, including your smartphone, computer, TV, etc. Your circadian system is disrupted by gadget light, which also interferes with your natural clock and makes it difficult to regulate sleep.